How to Write a Warning Letter to an Employee? Get Free HR format
Warning letter to employee by written warning notice format
How do I write an employee warning notice?
11+ Employee Warning Letter Template - PDF, DOC | Free...
10+ Official Warning Letters
How to Write a Warning Letter to an Employee
How to Write Warning Letter for an Employee
Warning Letters
Employee Warning Letter Template|Get Free HR format
Want to Draft a Warning Letter to Employee? Get Free HR format
Definition of Warning Letter
A warning letter to an employee is a formal HR
process to record misconduct, a disciplinary issue or poor performance and
discuss it with the employee.
When to issue Warning letter?
Warning letter or notice is issued to employee for
poor performance or misconduct after final verbal warning.
The letter also helps in setting expectations for
future behavior and may be a precursor to termination.
An Employee Warning Letter is a form that an
employer gives to an employee to inform them of a breach of company protocol.
It serves to let the employee know of their
infraction and what the consequences of their action will be.
The employer should also keep a copy of the letter
for documentation purposes.
The tone of the warning letter can be polite
because, despite its negative connotation, a warning letter to an employee is
always issued with the intention of helping that employee, both professionally
and personally, and so ensuring the smooth functioning of the company.
Many employers choose to use the following process
(even if not required by law). However, if the law requires more to be done,
then it may be necessary for the employer to do more than this:
The information that may be added to this letter includes
- Have a first meeting with the employee, to discuss the performance issues; provide a strategy for improvement (such as deadlines for improvement, and quantifiable goals for the employee). Provide a letter of warning to the employee.
- If performance has not improved by the due date, have a second meeting with the employee to advise that performance has still not improved. Provide a second letter of warning to the employee.
- If performance still does not improve, have a third meeting with the employee. Advise the employee that if their performance does not improve by a particular date, their employment may be terminated. Provide a third warning letter to the employee, confirming these details.
- If performance still does not improve, have a fourth meeting with the employee to terminate employment, and provide a copy of this letter.
The information that may be added to this letter includes
- details of any previous warnings that the employee has received;
- details of any meetings that have occurred;
- details of the problems with the employee's job performance;
- confirmation of whether or not the employee has been or will be given the chance to explain him or herself;
- if the employee has already been given the chance to explain, details of this explanation may be included;
- if the employee will be given the chance to explain, details of how they should do this may be included;
- details of what the employee must do in order to improve his or her job performance;
- details of any follow up meeting;
- any further comments that the employer (or the person preparing the letter on behalf of the employer) wants to include.
How to conduct a meeting?
It is always advisable to have a personal meeting
with the particular employee along with his/her immediate superior .However, In
case the employee is not ready to attend the meeting or join the HR team for a
discussion, the employer can have the letter delivered to the employee’s
official home address. Just in case, employee refused to sign the letter –
record everything and pen down on the letter itself for future reference and
Use attached sample letters to send a formal,
written warning notice to employees who violate your company policies. You
can customize this template whether it's a first or a final warning notice.
Have you ever had to issue a warning letter before?
Share your experiences with us in the comments section below.
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