Progressive Discipline in the Workplace |Steps of successful Progressive Discipline| Progressive Discipline Policy - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
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What is Progressive Discipline?
Discipline is a method or process of disciplinary procedure where the punishments
/penalties rise upon repeat events or mistakes
term is regularly utilized in a work or HR setting where instead of firing employees
for first or minor violations, there is an arrangement of escalating the matter
further, planned to address the negative conduct instead of punishing employees.
Purpose of progressive discipline?
The basic purpose of Progressive discipline
is to help the employees to realize that a performance issue or possibility for
progress still exists.
The procedure includes a sequence of formal endeavours to give feedback to the employee
so that employees can address the issue to rectify it eventually. The sole objective is to convey the message to respective employees that if they want to
continue with the organization for years to come then improvement of their performance
is crucial.
whole system and process of Progressive
discipline is not proposed as another punishment tool with a different name
rather a convenient mechanism to overcome performance issues and thus satisfy work
desires. Progressive discipline is fruitful
only when it helps an employee to turn into a viably performing individual of
the organization.
Every organization
should have appropriate Progressive Discipline - Standard Operating Procedures Policy (Human Resources) in place to build a culture of equality and
Policy Template
Progressive Discipline - Standard Operating Procedures – Human
Subject: Progressive Discipline, Policy Number: HR031 Effective Date: August 2005
Progressive Discipline - Policy Statement
We believe in giving employees an opportunity
to correct performance problems. It is the Company’s intent that discipline for
offences will be progressive in nature. However, the particular circumstances
and severity of the circumstance must be taken into consideration with
corrective action taken as appropriate
Progressive Discipline - Policy Procedures
1. We educate our employees via our training
programs and through daily oral communication as necessary. We also have our
Standard Operating Procedures posted on Knowledge Net for all employees to
2. All employees, regardless of position, are
subject to disciplinary procedures.
3. When a manager believes that an employee’s
conduct requires discipline, the manager will do the right thing. The manager
may discuss the matter with a representative from Human Resources for
consultation purposes. Any discipline imposed will be based upon:
the employee’s work record;
the nature of the violation;
the employee’s honesty and participation in the
how others have been disciplined in similar
4. Discipline should be addressed daily and be
appropriate to the offence. The manager is responsible for always following up
with the employee to ensure understanding and improvement. If discipline is to
be imposed, the discipline may generally consist of the following, depending
upon the circumstances(steps of ProgressiveDiscipline)
· a verbal warning or warnings
· one or more written warnings
· suspension pending investigation (Performance Improvement Plan – PIPletter format Available)
· termination
5. Employees often require counselling and further
training as an outcome of disciplinary action.
6. More serious offences should be reviewed by the
Human Resources Department.
7. Written warnings and final written warnings are to take place in the presence of the Human Resources Manager.
8. Employees have the right to have a representative of their choice in the room during disciplinary actions.
9. All disciplinary actions will be documented in
writing, signed and placed into the Employee’s Human Resources File.
Progressive Discipline – Policy conclusion
There is no
set progressive disciplinary path; each case is different. It is the employee’s behaviour that warrants
which disciplinary method is undertaken. Employees should never be surprised
about disciplinary measures and they should always know what is expected of
them. We need to continuously educate our employees about the company’s purpose
of existence and how we all play a role in the Organizations (place company
name here) success.
Also the company
reserves the right to amend its policies and procedures from time to time.
Related Details:
Improvement Plan
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