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Showing posts from December, 2019

Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for International Workers

Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for I NTERNATIONAL  W ORKERS A long-pending initiative of The Government of India was for International workers or the employees posted overseas or in other countries.  Consequently, for the benefit of both for the employers and employees government of India has entered into an agreement with several countries to ensure – 1.   that the employees of the home country do not remit contribution in that country 2.     that employee gets the benefit of the totalization period for deciding the eligibility for pension , 3.     that they may get the pension in the country where they choose to live 4.   that employers are saved from making double social security contributions for the same set of employees For that reason, the EPFO has been authorized to issue the Certificate of Coverage (COC) to the employees posted to the countries having signed Agreement with the Govern...

Leadership & Management | Difference between leadership and Management

Leadership &  Management| Difference between leadership and Management Image by  Daniel Mena  from  Pixabay   There is an unending argument about the difference between leadership and Management . It is very much understandable that a person can be a leader without being a manager, for example, an informal leader and a person can be a manager without leading. Certainly, some people with the job title manager do not have any subordinates, for example, a manager of financial accounts.  ( Understand the definition of Leadership ) Though nobody has proposed that managing and leading are alike but the amount of similarity is a point of severe disagreement. Some writers like Bennis & Nanus (1977) opposed that leadership and management are qualitatively different and mutually exclusive. However, the most exciting distinction assumes that management and leadership cannot happen in the same person and both (managing & Leading) di...

Leadership Definition| Understand the different ways leadership has been defined

Leadership Definition| Understand the different ways leadership has been defined. Image by  Tumisu  from  Pixabay   Leadership has so many different meanings however, most behavioural scientist and practitioners seem to believe leadership is a real phenomenon that is significant for the success of every organization.  Let’s understand the different ways leadership has been defined by various authors over the years. Leadership Definition by Authors

Organization Development (OD) Process

Organization Development (OD) Process Organization development (OD) is a knowledge-based approach designed to develop values, attitudes, norms and practices that result in a healthy organizational climate that rewards healthy behaviour. As implementation of organization development is significant for every organization so let’s understand its cyclical process. Thus the cyclical process of OD starts with an identified problem or urge for change and ends when developmental outcomes/results are obtained. Also, learn the Job Interview Selection Process Organizational development  ( OD )is a long term process which needs meticulous planning and highly consistent and committed involvement of top management.

Job Evaluation vs. Performance Appraisal|difference between performance appraisal and job evaluation

Job Evaluation vs. Performance Appraisal|difference between performance appraisal and job evaluation Performance Appraisal is a process which contributes to the effective management of talents (Individual and team) in order to achieve improved levels of employee and organization performance & development. PMS Policy and steps Job evaluation is a process of evaluating, analyzing and measuring the various jobs systematically to ascertain their relative worth in an organization. In short the basic difference between the two from their definition is evident; jobs are ranked in case of job evaluation whereas in case of performance Appraisal job holders are evaluated/rated.     Why PMS often leads to dissatisfaction among good performers These are the few differences between performance appraisal and job evaluation. Performance Appraisal Management System (PAMS)| Guidelines for developing a Performance Management System

Performance Appraisal |How Performance Appraisal can Contribute to an organisation's Competitive Advantage

Performance Appraisal |How Performance Appraisal can Contribute to an organisation's Competitive Advantage   “Performance appraisal offers competitive advantage to an organization by enhancing performance, aiding in correct decisions, safeguarding legal compliance, diminishing job dissatisfaction and employee attrition and ensuring consistency between organizational strategy and behaviour.” PMS Policy and steps The emphasis should be that performance evaluation contributes to the firm’s competitive strength. In addition, promising high level of performance helps identify Employees with potential, reward performance equitably and determined employee’s need for training. Precisely, performance evaluation helps an organization gain a competitive edge in the following ways. 1.   Improving performance 2.   Making correct decisions 3.   Ensuring legal compliance 4.   Minimizing job dissatisfaction and turnover 5.   Values & Behavior...

Recruitment & selection| Job Interview Selection Process

Recruitment & selection| Job Interview Selection Process Selection of employees in every organization is a long process. In general practice, the job selection process starts from the preliminary interview of the job applicants and ends with the Job offer or the contract of employment .  Yet, steps involved in the selection process differ from organization to organization based on its structure, level of position hiring for and several other (specific) requirements. The CommonInterview Selection process steps   as shown in the diagram below: Documents to ask before onboarding a new candidate Standard employment contract checklist after the job offer has been made The Onboarding process for new employees Orientation Best Interview Tips to Avoid Hiring the Wrong candidate?

Hotel Human Resource Executive Job Description

Hotel Human Resource Executive  Job Description Position Description Department: Human Resource Reports To: Human Resource Manager Purpose: To support the recruitment process and fill positions on a timely basis by co-coordinating resume searches and processing resumes, co-coordinating interview schedules and interviewing candidates for non-exempt positions. Constituents: ·        Candidates ·        Management ·        HR Consultants Indicators of Success: ·        Achievement of Hotel financial goals (GOP) ·        Employee satisfaction and retention ·       Customer satisfaction and loyalty goals (Complaints per Thousand, Comment Cards, annual quality review) ·        Achieve goals for candidate and manager satisfaction · ...